Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Good-bye and Hello!

Hey folks. I've noticed recently that my readership has grown, and since I am considering doing this blogging thang seriously, I've registered a domain, and now host on my own server.

Please redirect your -bilingual gamer- fix to this website. This will be the permanent home of -bilingual gamer-, and over the next couple of months, it will grow, transform, and possibly be reborn. By which I mean, I will vamp up the site design, have a feature every week or two, and various backend stuff.

One thing won't change, however. And that is - -bilingual gamer- will be the spot to visit for the latest rumblings out of Japan, with the earliest most up-to-date news and the most natural translations.

Good-bye, and welcome to the new -bilingual gamer-