Monday, August 13, 2007

Quick News Get! Ring of Fates TV Adverts Roll Out

Nearing its release of August 23rd, TV commercials for Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates began broadcasting across Japan today.

The first one showcases the multiplayer mode, or how an actress and marketers have fun on the weekends, getting together to play DS, 'cos we're all gamers now in this day and age! See that look of amazement on the woman's face at the start? She ain't looking at the game - she's checking out her bank statement after this commercial aired.

The second commercial showcases gameplay in the single-player mode, and has less propaganda. The lack of marketing push-push in this one seems even...unnerving. As if Square-Enix just knows you'll go out and buy it, pretty woman or not.

Without further ado, check them out, and don't hesitate to post a comment! The lonely comments section needs a good ol' troll right about now...