Friday, August 10, 2007

Koei Unveils New Trailer for Dynasty Warriors Katana

Just moments ago on Koei's official site for Sengoku Musou Katana, the slash-tastic Wii game based on the Dynasty Warriors franchise, a new trailer was uploaded.

The promotional video shows a lot of gameplay, including rifle-targeting and horse-riding, apart from the Wii remote-controlled swordplay. Upon close inspection of the trailer, it seems the levels have mission-based structures to them, such as "Defeat 100 soldiers within 3 minutes," and "Beat the race on horseback," etc. Also, the game uses a targetting-system for your sword attacks, to create chains of attacks.

All in all, Koei's Wii entry into the franchise, set to be released in Japan September 20th, looks like a lot of mindless button-slashing (err, is that the new-gen version of button-mashing?), and though they've milked the franchise for years, it still manages to find an audience.

Check out the trailer on the official site by clicking on the "PV" button on the front page.